Salmon oyster mushroom: growth characteristics and protease production on a laboratory scale

Cogumelo ostra salmão: características de crescimento e produção de proteases em escala laboratorial




Pleurotus, Açaí, Resíduo, Densidade micelial, Enzimas


Pleurotus have an easy cultivation and are excellent sources of proteolytic enzymes. The aimed was evaluate the mycelial growth and extracellular protease activity of Pleurotus ostreatoroseus. The mushroom was grown on potato dextrose agar (BDA) with yeast extract (YE) 0.5% (w/v). The radial mycelial growth velocity (RCV) and mycelial density occurred on different media containing 0.5% (w/v) YE: Potato Dextrose agar (BDA), GYP agar (glucose, yeast extract and peptone), malt extract agar (MEA), purple yam extract agar (EIR), torn yam extract agar (CEIN), aria extract agar (EA). Proteolytic activity was determined by the gelose block method. In mycelial growth (VCM) is used: cupuaçu exocarp (CC), açaí (Sac), pineapple (CsAb) and sawdust (SER), supplemented with rice bran (FA) or wheat bran (FT) were used. Proteases were extracted in sterile distilled water under 180 rpm agitation at 30 °C. Significant RCV was observed in MEA+YE (12.32 ± 0.10 mm/day). However, GYP agar showed strong mycelial density. Significant substrate mixture with strong mycelial density occurred on Sac+FA (0.61 ± 0.09 cm/day). The tested media were efficient in the production of extracellular proteases by this mushroom.


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Como Citar

Barbosa, E., Pimenta , L. ., Brito , A. K. ., Batista , S. ., Martim, S. ., & Teixeira , M. . (2023). Salmon oyster mushroom: growth characteristics and protease production on a laboratory scale: Cogumelo ostra salmão: características de crescimento e produção de proteases em escala laboratorial . Concilium, 23(2), 367–379.


