Teacher’s work in neuroscience and education research

O trabalho do professor nas pesquisas de educação e neurociências





Docência; Educação e neurociências; Pesquisa em educação


The technologies used in medicine allowed the nervous system to no longer be configured as a mystery, allowing researchers to think about learning from the cerebral point of view. Methodologically supported by a literature review, in this study we aimed to investigate the main findings in the literature to propose an analysis of the challenges in integrating education with the neuroscience knowledge and the teacher's work in educational neuroscience research. Educational neuroscience has been abundantly explored in the field of education and has become a frequent object of study for teachers. We can perceive that most publications about neurosciences and learning are located in journals in the health or psychology area. We understand that teachers are also in a position to make propositions for pedagogical practice based on neurosciences, using doctors and psychologists support, since the opposite has been happening for years. We concluded that, in the educational context, teachers would be the most suitable professionals to think about the practice in order to constitute protagonist subjects and not mere executors of pedagogical suggestions suggested by other professionals.


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Como Citar

Zardo, A. L., Schroeder, T. M. R., & Abreu, C. B. de M. . (2023). Teacher’s work in neuroscience and education research: O trabalho do professor nas pesquisas de educação e neurociências. Concilium, 23(2), 307–317. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-793-23A48


