Modification of sisal cellulose (Agave sisalana) with poly(vinyl alcohol) and its evaluation in a water-heavy oil system

Modificação de celulose de sisal (Agave sisalana) com poli(álcool vinílico) e a sua avaliação em sistema água-óleo pesado


  • Schiliene Moreno
  • Renata Strappa
  • Denes Carlos Santos da Graça GPDCMat - Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Gisélia Cardoso



Celulose (Agave sisalana), Modificação de celulose, FTIR, PVA, Produção de petróleo


Cellulose is a natural, non-toxic and biodegradable polymer that can have its structure modified to give it the desired properties. This study aimed to modify sisal cellulose (Agave sisalana) from its xanthate with poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and to evaluate its viscosifying action on the flow behavior of a water-heavy oil system for petroleum production, on a laboratory bench. The modified process was carried out by graphitization and monitored by FTIR. The viscosifying potential was evaluated by measuring intrinsic degrees and the action of modified sisal cellulose (CSM) in the water-heavy oil system was gradually evaluated, at temperatures of 25°C and 60°C, using a brookfield viscometer. The FTIR spectra confirmed the modification by the appearance of the wavenumber band 880 cm-1, indicating the occurrence of the substitution reaction of [–OH] groups of the C-6 of the cellulose structure. The rate of the water-heavy oil system with the CSM was equal to the graduation of the heavy oil, with the same flow activation energy (Ea) in the amount of 66,509 kJ/mol, which gave potential use of the CSM in the correction of the profile of result of the system under study


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Como Citar

Moreno, S., Strappa, R., da Graça, D. C. S., & Cardoso, G. (2023). Modification of sisal cellulose (Agave sisalana) with poly(vinyl alcohol) and its evaluation in a water-heavy oil system: Modificação de celulose de sisal (Agave sisalana) com poli(álcool vinílico) e a sua avaliação em sistema água-óleo pesado. Concilium, 23(2), 531–541.


