Acceptability of ora-pro-nobis in mixed non-fermented fruit drinks

Aceitabilidade de ora-pro-nóbis em bebidas mistas não fermentadas de frutas


  • Rejane de Oliveira Ramos
  • Yasmin Vitória Souza Silva
  • Carla Regina Amorim dos Anjos Queiroz IFTM



Bebida mista de frutas; Néctar de frutas; Planta alimentícia não convencional (PANC); Pereskia aculeata Mill.


Objective: the aim of this work was to formulate non-fermented mixed fruit drinks, containing Barbados gooseberry leaves in their composition, and to characterize such drinks chemically and sensorially. Six drinks were formulated, combining or not pineapple, lemon, mango, passion fruit, cashew, and melon with fresh Barbados gooseberry leaves. Sugar was added to the drinks for sensory analysis. Methods: chemical characterization was carried out (pH, Brix, total acidity, total solids). Sensory analysis was performed with an untrained panel of 35 tasters for acceptance testing on a 9-point hedonic scale. Statistical analysis used the free software AgroEstat. Results: the results of the chemical analysis showed that the beverages were within the norms, acidic (pH<7), and the highest levels of soluble and total solids were for creamier textures in formulations 1.4 and 5. The overall impression was one of good acceptance by the tasters, as evidenced by an acceptability index (IA%) of 77%. Conclusion: in general, the drinks had excellent acceptability, and can be incorporated into everyday diets, as they are accessible and easy to prepare, bringing new flavors to the food.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Ramos, R. de O. ., Silva, Y. V. S. ., & Queiroz, C. R. A. dos A. . (2023). Acceptability of ora-pro-nobis in mixed non-fermented fruit drinks: Aceitabilidade de ora-pro-nóbis em bebidas mistas não fermentadas de frutas. Concilium, 23(2), 542–554.


