The advance of industrial biotechnology in the State of Amazonas

O avanço da biotecnologia industrial no estado do Amazonas


  • Rosimeire Oliveira UFAM/PPGBiotec
  • Dimas José Lasmar UFAM/PPGBIOTEC
  • Rosana Zau Mafra UFAM/PPGBIOTEC
  • Ananélia Claudia Rodrigues de Queiroz Albuquerque CIESA
  • Sidney dos Santos Oliveira Universidade do Vale do Taquari/PPGECE–UNIVATES



Biotecnologia Industrial; Mapeamento; Estado do Amazonas;


Industrial Biotechnology has been seen as the production of the future, and can be an object of study and organizational strategy. The objective of this research is to analyze the development of industrial biotechnology in the State of Amazonas. This is a research with a quali-quanti approach with an exploratory and descriptive approach. Mapping of existing companies and research institutes in the State of Amazonas was carried out, through bibliographic and exploratory research on websites and official sites. The results showed that in the State of Amazonas, only 4 companies appear on the Biotech Map (2023), of which three are national and one is a startup. But, during the research, it was verified the existence of several other companies in the state of Amazonas that have productive activities focused on the concepts of industrial biotechnology, of which some were listed and presented in this study.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Oliveira, R., Lasmar, D. J. ., Mafra, R. Z. ., Albuquerque, A. C. R. de Q. ., & Oliveira, S. dos S. (2023). The advance of industrial biotechnology in the State of Amazonas: O avanço da biotecnologia industrial no estado do Amazonas. Concilium, 23(2), 212–223.


