The autism and the teaching and learning process

O autismo e o processo de ensino e aprendizagem


  • Fabio José Antonio da Silva UEL
  • Hiago Henrique da Silva
  • Alex Moura Silva
  • Yuri Alexander dos Santos Rôas
  • Ednerya Tanyelly Pereira





This article aims to reflect on the proposals and difficulties in school learning process autistic student and some suggestions for the best teacher can work with this special child who has development affected globally, facing difficulties in communication, interaction and imagination, which through the process of inclusion are in the school environment. It is understood that the subject inclusion is seen in many schools, but little discussed, that this inclusion actually happen you need to have qualified professionals in the care of these children with the syndrome of autism. It started with the assumption that the educator knows little about autism and the impact of this anomaly in the learning process, and the development of these children is of paramount importance, so the teacher has a key role as mediator in the process of teaching and learning. For realization of this article, we had as a bibliographical research method, with the aid of books and internet. It follows that everyone involved in the school environment, need training when it comes to the inclusion process, also require a specialized multidisciplinary team, with qualified teachers, who have a broad and comprehensive knowledge of autism syndrome with methodologies updated teaching.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Silva, F. J. A. da ., Silva, H. H. da ., Silva, A. M. ., Rôas, Y. A. dos S., & Pereira, E. T. . (2023). The autism and the teaching and learning process: O autismo e o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Concilium, 23(2), 202–211.


