Use of unmanned aerial vehicle for safety inspection at construction sites: a systematic literature review

Utilização de veículo aéreo não tripulado para inspeção de segurança em canteiros de obra: uma revisão sistemática da literatura


  • José Maria de Moura Júnior Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco, Universidade de Pernambuco
  • Felipe Mendes da Cruz
  • Yêda Vieira Póvoas
  • Lucas Rodrigues Cavalcanti
  • Bruna Letícia Costa Santos
  • Lúcia Selene Bezerra Alves
  • Beatriz Andrade Ribeiro Costa
  • Guilherme José Lucena Lopes
  • Lorena Vila Bela Costa
  • Vinícius Francis Braga de Azevedo



Drone, VANT, Segurança, Canteiro de obra


The use of drone can be a viable way of detecting and correcting errors in a timely manner, thus avoiding accidents on the construction sites. The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) can reduce the time spent in carrying out monitoring tasks, improve the overall performance of the project and streamline the reaction process to potential risks. The main objective of this systematic literature review (SLR) is to analyze the use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for safety inspection at construction sites. The articles were searched in 3 databases, restricting the publications of scientific articles in the field of engineering in the last 10 years, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, resulting in 29 articles. From the SLR, it was possible to identify the advantages of using drones to improve activities related to the safety of construction sites, as well as to identify dangerous situations, identify the ideal use techniques and identify barriers to the use of drones for inspection of construction sites. The improvement in safety performance arising from the use of UAVs reduces accidents at construction sites, and, therefore, reduces injuries and disabilities generated by such accidents.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Moura Júnior, J. M. de, Cruz, F. M. da, Póvoas, Y. V., Cavalcanti, L. R. ., Santos, B. L. C. ., Alves, L. S. B. ., Costa, B. A. R. ., Lopes, G. J. L. ., Costa, L. V. B. ., & Azevedo, V. F. B. de . (2023). Use of unmanned aerial vehicle for safety inspection at construction sites: a systematic literature review: Utilização de veículo aéreo não tripulado para inspeção de segurança em canteiros de obra: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Concilium, 23(2), 491–508.


