Reflections on meaningful learning in Mathematics: the challenge of teaching operations with integers

Reflexões acerca da aprendizagem significativa na Matemática: o desafio de lecionar operações com números inteiros.




Ensino; Matemática; Práticas pedagógicas; Memorização.


The present study brings reflections about the teaching-learning process of the Mathematics curricular component used in Elementary School II, using operations with integers. Its objective is to analyze the teaching of Mathematics through the methods of memorization, mechanical teaching and lecture, explaining its characteristics, successes and failures, always in the guise of the Theory of Meaningful Learning by David Ausubel. In this sense, it is a fact that the main didactic-pedagogical resource used in schools, mainly in the public network, is still the textbook, which creates a greater challenge in the content mediation process. After all, the methodological system used in schools often does not consider the students' prior knowledge, a situation that compromises the development of content and learning. The main authors used in this study are: Almouloud, Ausubel, Brazil, Carvalho, Esteban, Moreira, Pelizzari et al, Santarosa, Tavares and Triviños. From this context, through bibliographic research, we elaborated a work emphasizing the mediation of the teaching of mathematical operations with whole numbers, from significant teaching proposals analyzing pros and cons in the school environment.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Rego, L. C. I. ., Brandão, G. O. ., & Neto, R. F. A. (2023). Reflections on meaningful learning in Mathematics: the challenge of teaching operations with integers: Reflexões acerca da aprendizagem significativa na Matemática: o desafio de lecionar operações com números inteiros . Concilium, 23(2), 172–185.


