Numerical solution of non-isothermal flow in oil reservoirs using OpenACC

Simulação numérica do escoamento não-isotérmico em reservatórios de petróleo usando OpenACC


  • Ralph Alves Bini da Silva Almeida Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Grazione de Souza Rio de Janeiro State University
  • Helio Pedro Amaral Souto Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



Computação de Alto Desempenho, Escoamento Não-isotérmico, OpenACC, Simulação Numérica de Reservatórios, Recuperação terciária


In this work, we performed a numerical simulation of the non-isothermal flow in an oil reservoir. Also, we used the OpenACC API to parallelize specific parts of the original code, which allowed the simultaneous execution of different tasks on a NVIDIA GTX 970 G1 video card in a shared memory architecture. The problem was studied using a vertical producer well and static heating wells in a two-dimensional domain. We used the Control Volume Finite Difference (CVFD) method to discretize the governing equations and the Conjugate Gradients method to obtain the solutions (pressure and temperature) of the systems of algebraic equations. As a result, concerning computational performance, a significant reduction in execution time was obtained with the parallelized version.


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Como Citar

Almeida, R. A. B. da S., de Souza, G., & Souto, H. P. A. (2023). Numerical solution of non-isothermal flow in oil reservoirs using OpenACC: Simulação numérica do escoamento não-isotérmico em reservatórios de petróleo usando OpenACC. Concilium, 23(2), 666–681.


