Challenges of agriculture 4.0 with socio-environmental changes: influence of consumer institutional logic

Desafios da agropecuária 4.0 com as mudanças socioambientais: influência das lógicas institucionais do consumidor


  • Ariane Elias Leite de Moraes UFMS
  • Guilherme Cunha Malafaia UFMS
  • Fabrícia Gladys Rossato UFMS
  • Mara Rúbia da Silva Miranda UFU



Sustentabilidade, Agropecuária, Tecnologias


Population growth has forced the planet to rethink attitudes towards sustainability. Meeting current and future human needs is a major challenge, as it involves trying to balance the exploitation of natural resources while meeting society's needs. This challenge becomes even greater when an exponential increase in population is observed. In this sense, one of the human needs is food, and therefore the production of beef has been the focus of study by environmentalists, due to the large occupation of areas. Thus, the main objective of this study is to understand consumer expectations according to different institutional logics and to identify the most adapted Industry 4.0 technologies to meet these requirements. For this, a bibliographical survey of the technologies used in the sector and the consumer's view of socio-environmental changes was carried out. It was observed in the results that there is a continuous need to use technologies in agriculture for monitoring, since the number of consumers concerned about the origin of the meat and an ecologically correct production has increased.


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Como Citar

Moraes, A. E. L. de ., Malafaia, G. C. ., Rossato, F. G. ., & Miranda, M. R. da S. (2023). Challenges of agriculture 4.0 with socio-environmental changes: influence of consumer institutional logic: Desafios da agropecuária 4.0 com as mudanças socioambientais: influência das lógicas institucionais do consumidor. Concilium, 23(2), 476–490.


