Digital Platforms: perception of students at the Licungo University in Mozambique on the use by teachers during the pandemic

Plataformas Digitais: perceção dos estudantes da Universidade Licungo em Moçambique sobre o uso pelos docentes durante a pandemia


  • Iolanda Domingos Estêvão David Lameira Universidade Licungo
  • Suely Aparecida do Nascimento



Plataformas Digitais, Tecnologias Digitais, Pandemia


This text is an invitation to reflect on the perceptions of students at Licungo University on teachers' skills in the use of educational Digital Platforms during the pandemic period from 2020 to 2021. the return to school in face-to-face mode could contribute to an acceleration in the spread of the SARSCov-2 virus due to possible crowds. Thus, the teaching modality adopted, with the help of Digital Technologies, brought to light some weaknesses within teachers as well as students. This is an exploratory research whose data were collected through a questionnaire prepared and made available by the digital platform Google Forms whose link was disclosed by Email and WhatsApp. The results showed that, in the students' perception, teachers do not have the skills to teach through digital platforms, so much so that the form of interaction most used by teachers was WhatsApp, which is not necessarily an educational platform.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Lameira, I. D. E. D. ., & Nascimento, S. A. do . (2023). Digital Platforms: perception of students at the Licungo University in Mozambique on the use by teachers during the pandemic: Plataformas Digitais: perceção dos estudantes da Universidade Licungo em Moçambique sobre o uso pelos docentes durante a pandemia . Concilium, 23(2), 455–464.


