An overlooked gem in Llandaff, Cardiff: Rookwood Hospital history and heritage significance

Uma joia perdida em Llandaff, Cardiff: história e importância patrimonial do complexo Rookwood Hospital


  • Millena Moreira Fontes Universidade Tiradentes



Rookwood Hospital, Welsh Heritage, Llandaff, Heritage significance


The purpose of this article is to register for the academic community the uncertain future of the historic site of the former family home, then rehabilitation house - Rookwood Hospital. The Rookwood Estate comprises a complex of buildings arranged in a 26 acres’ site, Grade II listed land located on Fairwater Rd, Llandaff, Cardiff. The buildings date from the 19th century to prefabricated wooden buildings from the 20th century. In addition, the Hospital Gardens are a CADW Register of Landscape Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in Wales Grade II. The methodology consisted of a detailed desktop research and literature review in scientific databases, followed by documental research in the archives and repository of Glamorgan, in search of maps, drawing plans and photographs. Then, site visits were carried out to record the state of the buildings. All of these steps provided the basis for this article, which includes a historical appraisal, a study of the morphology of the complex and a visual record and description. Finally, considering its rich and complex history, this article aims to give visibility and raise awareness about the importance of Rookwood Hospital to the community of Llandaff.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Moreira Fontes, M. (2023). An overlooked gem in Llandaff, Cardiff: Rookwood Hospital history and heritage significance: Uma joia perdida em Llandaff, Cardiff: história e importância patrimonial do complexo Rookwood Hospital. Concilium, 23(2), 52–67.


