Experimentation in teaching Genetics: DNA extraction from natural products

A experimentação no ensino de Genética: extração de DNA em produtos naturais


  • Tiago Maretti Gonçalves Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Klenicy Kazumy de Lima Yamaguchi




Experimentação, Ciências, Genética, Produtos naturais


Brazil is a country that has a vast wealth of fruit species and using natural products as a tool for teaching has been reported as an interesting possibility for student learning. Objective: The objective of this work is to present a DNA extraction protocol using natural products in Science teaching. Methodology: The methodological proposal consists of the extraction of genetic material using accessible and low-cost materials, namely: a) passion fruit; b) Tomato; c) Papaya; d) Banana; e) Onion; f) Garlic, g) Grape and h) Kiwi. Initially, pectin can be obtained, a complex carbohydrate that appears as a whitish structure rich in bubbles that forms at the top of the alcoholic phase, and the DNA molecule, compacted together with histonic and non-histonic proteins, visualized macroscopically. Results: The extraction of DNA from natural products aims to facilitate and instigate the teaching and learning of Genetics, both in high school and elementary school students, serving as an integrating axis for discussion and problematization of themes related to the structure and function of acids nucleic. In addition, it can allow for interdisciplinarity with other disciplines and opens up the possibility for learning based on students' daily lives.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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XXX (2021)




Como Citar

Gonçalves, T. M., & Yamaguchi, K. K. de L. (2023). Experimentation in teaching Genetics: DNA extraction from natural products: A experimentação no ensino de Genética: extração de DNA em produtos naturais. Concilium, 23(2), 68–77. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-730-23A04


