Water as a commodity: challenges and implications of the commercialization of a vital resource



Sustainability, Climatic Changes, Social Development, Human Right, Privatization, Remunicipalization


Water, soil, and air are the planet’s natural capitals that have made life viable, and without them, biodiversity will disappear. The drought we are experiencing due to global warming puts everyone on alert to mitigate the risks to these vital common goods. Water is a resource in crisis due to scarcity, misuse, poor distribution to the most vulnerable populations, contamination, and pollution, but it still attracts the private sector's greed. Water privatization, distribution, and basic sanitation services have been touted as a panacea to solve urban problems. Several cities have followed the path of privatization, embracing neoliberal ideologies or using it as a lever to pay off state debts without considering social aspects. Studies demonstrating the positive or negative impacts of privatization are still rare. The objective of this conceptual work was to analyze trends in water management service providers around the world. The methodology was based on works published in journals and online. There has been a trend towards privatization. However, many cities have chosen to go in the opposite direction by municipalizing their water supply and sanitation services.


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Como Citar

Souza, A. S. de ., Ferreira, P. G., Jesus, I. S. de, Oliveira, R. P. R. F. de, Carvalho, A. S. de ., Futuro, D. O. ., & Ferreira, V. F. (2024). Water as a commodity: challenges and implications of the commercialization of a vital resource. Concilium, 24(20), 78–91. Recuperado de http://clium.org/index.php/edicoes/article/view/4274


