Integrated pest management of soybean emerging pests in Brazil and United States: a review



Pest control, Sustainability, Crop protection, Productivity, Economic thresholds


Soybean cultivation is crucial for meeting global demand for vegetable oil and protein, with Brazil being the largest global producer, followed by the United States. However, intensifying soja production has led to the emergence of new pests, such as whitefly, thrips, and leaf miners, which cause damage to plants and reduce crop productivity. The integrated pest management approach is essential for sustainable pest control, minimizing pesticide use, and maintaining ecological balance. However, further research is needed on emerging pests and their management strategies.


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Como Citar

Santos, J. L. dos, Peluzio, J. M. ., Picanço, M. C. ., & Sarmento, R. A. . (2024). Integrated pest management of soybean emerging pests in Brazil and United States: a review. Concilium, 24(20), 1–15. Recuperado de


