Dental management of patients with kidney disease in the Intensive Care Unit: an integrative review

Manejo odontológico de pacientes com doença renal na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva: uma revisão integrativa



Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a public health problem and often causes oral problems. This study aims to answer the following question: how should the treatment of patients with kidney disease who are admitted to Intensive Care Units be managed from a dental point of view? An integrative review (IR) of the literature was carried out, in which the five steps of IR were followed, searching for studies in PubMed, Scopus, Lilacs and Google Scholar. Initially, 193 studies were found. After applying the eligibility criteria, 11 articles were selected. The results show the high prevalence of periodontal disease and other oral complications in these patients and highlight the importance of laboratory tests for dental treatment planning. The inclusion of the dental surgeon in the ICU team is crucial to prevent and manage oral complications, contributing to improving the general health and quality of life of patients with CKD.


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Como Citar

Mares, J. L. de S. O., Pains, M. B., & Oliveira, W. B. M. de O. (2024). Dental management of patients with kidney disease in the Intensive Care Unit: an integrative review: Manejo odontológico de pacientes com doença renal na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva: uma revisão integrativa. Concilium, 24(18), 552–568. Recuperado de


