Development of BIM models for Retrofit: approaches and challenges in a case study of Brasília

Desenvolvimento de modelo BIM para Retrofit: abordagens e desafios em um estudo de caso de Brasília



Retrofit, Building Information Modeling (BIM), AS IS Model, Building retrofit.


Retrofitting involves renovating or modernizing buildings or systems by integrating new technologies and concepts to increase property value, change its use, and improve operational and energy efficiency. The adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in this process is still an emerging field, facing several challenges. This study aimed to develop a building retrofit using BIM methodologies. A case study of a 2,404.5 m² building in Brasília was carried out, divided into two stages: (1) BIM modeling based on surveys (AS-IS model) and (2) development of a BIM model for retrofitting. The results indicated that BIM facilitated project development, improving collaboration, transparency, and compatibility between architectural and engineering projects. However, challenges such as limited information about the project and difficulties monitoring electrical and plumbing systems were encountered. Although current data are sufficient, additional studies are needed to map building systems, adjust the budget for future retrofit changes, and identify potential research limitations.


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Como Citar

Inojosa, L., Silva, A. S. ., & Kuniochi, E. M. U. . (2024). Development of BIM models for Retrofit: approaches and challenges in a case study of Brasília: Desenvolvimento de modelo BIM para Retrofit: abordagens e desafios em um estudo de caso de Brasília. Concilium, 24(18), 378–392. Recuperado de


