Losses experienced by families during the COVID-19 pandemic and the resources used to cope with them

Perdas vivenciadas pelas famílias durante a pandemia da COVID-19 e os recursos utilizados para enfrentá-las


  • Sandra Dal Pai Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Mara Regina Santos da Silva
  • Gabriele Schek
  • Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira
  • Eda Schwartz
  • Evy Nazon


Coping behavior, Family, COVID-19 pandemic, Loss of social contact


The aim of this study was to examine the losses experienced by families during the COVID-19 pandemic and the resources used to cope with them. This qualitative study interviewed 36 families and analyzed the data using the content analysis technique, supported by the Iramuteq software, based on the concept of Family Resilience. During the pandemic, families suffered job losses, financial losses, health-related losses, and losses due to death. To cope with these losses, they found support in intra-family resources, identified by the intensification of relationships with the nuclear family. Specifically, when the family experienced death, they became stronger with more conviction in their belief system and in extra-family resources, such as psychological therapy and the church. Professionals should be aware of these support resources and help families use them in different adverse situations that may occur, as they are identified as strengths for family life.


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Como Citar

Dal Pai, S. ., Silva, M. R. S. da ., Schek, G. ., Oliveira, A. M. N. de ., Schwartz, E. ., & Nazon, E. . (2024). Losses experienced by families during the COVID-19 pandemic and the resources used to cope with them: Perdas vivenciadas pelas famílias durante a pandemia da COVID-19 e os recursos utilizados para enfrentá-las. Concilium, 24(18), 315–332. Recuperado de http://clium.org/index.php/edicoes/article/view/4118


