Meaningful learning: the use of didactic sequences to work on poems and poetry with high school students

Aprendizagem significativa: o uso de sequência didática para trabalhar poemas e poesia com estudantes do ensino médio



Exploring the relationship between literature and education, based on David Ausubel's theory of meaningful learning (1980), with the aim of training active readers capable of producing poetic texts is the central core of this work. To this end, the general objective was to implement a didactic sequence, based on the theory of meaningful learning, using poetry as a pedagogical tool to promote the formation of student readers. For this purpose, a didactic sequence was applied based on the methodological guidelines of Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2004). The work was carried out at the Full-Time Education Center - CETI Maria Melo in the city of Teresina, Piauí, through a course with 1st year high school students, which lasted 10 hours. To produce the data, two questionnaires were administered, the initial one with the intention of identifying the students' prior knowledge about poems and poetry in general. The second questionnaire sought to evaluate the acquisition of acquired knowledge. The results showed that the methodology was quite satisfactory, as it aroused students' interest in reading poems and encouraged textual production, culminating in the production of a poetry booklet by the students.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

da Silva, A. C., & Carvalho, A. D. F. . (2024). Meaningful learning: the use of didactic sequences to work on poems and poetry with high school students: Aprendizagem significativa: o uso de sequência didática para trabalhar poemas e poesia com estudantes do ensino médio. Concilium, 24(18), 236–250. Recuperado de


