Media evolution in HIV narratives through the ages

Evolução midiática nas narrativas do HIV através dos tempos



HIV, Narratives, Media, Stigma, Evolution


Since the 1980s, the evolution of media narratives about HIV/AIDS reflects significant changes in public perception and disease management. Initially linked to stigma and prejudice, AIDS was treated as a death sentence and moral punishment, especially towards marginalized groups. Over time, narratives transformed, particularly after the introduction of antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and the I=I (Undetectable = Untransmittable) concept, highlighting AIDS as a manageable chronic condition. This study reviews the literature on changes in media representations of HIV/AIDS, comparing early epidemic narratives with post-HAART and post-I=I narratives. Results indicate a shift from stigmatizing narratives to more educational and inclusive representations, reflecting scientific advancements and reduced social stigma.


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Como Citar

Carvalho da Silva, T., Morais, O. J., de Paula Silva, K. C., Silva Messias, T., de Souza Pessoa, A., Leopoldino, I. M., & Negrão de Andrade, T. (2024). Media evolution in HIV narratives through the ages: Evolução midiática nas narrativas do HIV através dos tempos. Concilium, 24(18), 107–122. Recuperado de


