Appendicular skeleton fractures in dogs

Fraturas do esqueleto apendicular em cães



Canine, Long bones, Veterinary orthopedics, Veterinary surgery, Veterinary traumatology


Fractures of the appendicular skeleton in dogs occur when there is an interruption in bone continuity, resulting in a partial or complete rupture of the bone tissue. The objective of this study was to conduct a retrospective study of appendicular skeleton fractures in dogs, using the AO Vet system for classifying fractures as a tool. In the present study, 956 radiographs and 478 medical records of dogs submitted to radiographic examinations were analyzed. Of these, 153 (31.94%) occurred in the femur; 152 (31.80%) in the tibia; 126 (26.36%) in the radius and 47 in the humerus (9.9%). In the most affected bone (femur), the diaphysis was the most affected region (77.12%; 118/153) with simple fractures (79.74%; 122/153). In the tibia (second place in the case series), the majority of fractures were diaphyseal (94.74%; 144/152) of the simple type (81.58%; 124/152). In the radius (third place) the most incident fractures also occurred in the diaphysis (95.24%; 120/126), with the majority being of the simple type (88.10%; 111/126). The humerus (smallest case series) presented the majority of fractures in the diaphysis region (65.96%; 31/47) and of the simple type (85.11%; 38/47). With this study we point out that the AO Vet classification is extremely important to classify fractures of the appendicular skeleton.


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