Therapeutic and diagnostic approach to craniofacial osteoma in a dog: a case report

Abordagem terapêutica e diagnóstica do osteoma craniofacial em cão: relato de caso



Bone neoplasm, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, tumor excision, surgery


Osteoma is a bone neoplasm that can affect dogs of any age, often underdiagnosed due to its low incidence and slow growth. The aim of this study was to discuss a case of craniofacial osteoma in a Shih-Tzu bitch, highlighting the importance of proper diagnosis and treatment of this condition. In this case, the patient presented with a rigid mass near the left eye, which was evaluated radiographically and diagnosed histopathologically after complete excision of the tumor. No signs of recurrence were observed during follow-up, demonstrating the effectiveness of the surgical treatment. The main findings of the case include an osteoproliferative reaction observed in the radiograph and well-differentiated fibrogranulomatous and osseous proliferation observed in the histopathology. The treatment consisted of complete surgical resection, and no postoperative complications were observed. The patient showed rapid recovery and absence of postoperative pain. It is concluded that osteoma is a benign neoplasm treatable with complete surgical resection, without the need for adjuvant chemotherapy. The study emphasizes the importance of considering osteoma as a differential diagnosis among bone neoplasms in dogs.


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Como Citar

Sousa, M. V. C., Rosado, I. R., Lopes, M. G., Teodoro, A. N. ., Martin, I., Bittar , J. F. F., & Gabellini Leonel Alves, E. (2024). Therapeutic and diagnostic approach to craniofacial osteoma in a dog: a case report: Abordagem terapêutica e diagnóstica do osteoma craniofacial em cão: relato de caso. Concilium, 24(17), 551–560. Recuperado de


