Basic education, verticalization and the world of work: a case study with graduates from the Uruçuí campus of the Federal Institute of Piauí

Educação básica, verticalização e mundo do trabalho: um estudo de caso com egressos do campus Uruçuí do Instituto Federal do Piauí



Professional education; Reference; Quality


Public Basic Education socially represents one of the hallmarks of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology. Its greatest expansion occurred in the 2010s, and the impacts of this expansion directly reached the mass population, with the democratization of access to quality public education, reconciling training for the job market and the full exercise of citizenship. The main objective of the study was to analyze the trajectory of the Uruçuí campus of the Federal Institute of Piauí (IFPI) throughout its implementation (2010-2021) in the municipality where it is located, with an emphasis on the social transformation of the lives of graduates of technical courses integrated into the secondary education, offered at the Institution. In this sense, the research was initially carried out through the analysis of the legislation that regulated the Federal Institutes throughout their implementation and through the application of questionnaires to graduates of the campus/IFPI. The results showed that the institution provided the training of 620 students in technical courses integrated into secondary education, and these are well positioned in society, whether in the job market or in higher education.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Rodrigues, M. A., Haddad, A. E., Cipriano, T. H. A. S., & Sousa, A. H. R. de . (2024). Basic education, verticalization and the world of work: a case study with graduates from the Uruçuí campus of the Federal Institute of Piauí: Educação básica, verticalização e mundo do trabalho: um estudo de caso com egressos do campus Uruçuí do Instituto Federal do Piauí. Concilium, 24(17), 197–211. Recuperado de


