Correlation between alcohol consumption and facial trauma in patients from Dr. João Lúcio Pereira Machado Emergency Hospital in Manaus/AM

Correlação entre consumo de álcool e trauma facial em pacientes do Hospital de Urgência Dr. João Lúcio Pereira Machado de Manaus/AM


  • Iago Freitas Raposo da Câmara Faculty of Amazonas
  • Flavio Têndolo Fayad Amazonas State University
  • Rafael Reis de Souza Amazonas State University


Alcoholic Intoxication, Emergency Service, Hospital, Maxillofacial Injuries


Alcohol consumption is a significant health issue in Brazil, contributing to a high incidence of trauma. Recent research indicates that 67% of the population consumes alcohol, with a growing number of alcohol-related facial traumas. This study aims to gather recent data on patients treated for trauma at a Brazilian emergency hospital and assess the relationship between alcohol abuse and facial trauma. Patients arriving at the emergency room were evaluated and categorized by gender, alcohol influence, and subsequent medical interventions. All data were then analyzed. The study found that 528 patients were treated for trauma at Dr. João Lúcio Pereira Emergency Hospital. Of these, 206 had consumed alcohol, with 166 males and 40 females. Among the males, 68 were discharged, 28 required immediate hospital treatment, and 35 were referred to specialized services. Of the females, 18 were discharged, 6 were admitted, and 16 were referred to specialists. The findings indicate that males have a higher incidence of alcohol-related facial trauma compared to females, representing 39% of trauma service visits. These results highlight the need for stricter evaluation of alcohol distribution and enforcement of laws against driving under the influence.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Câmara, I. F. R. da, Fayad, F. T., & Souza, R. R. de. (2024). Correlation between alcohol consumption and facial trauma in patients from Dr. João Lúcio Pereira Machado Emergency Hospital in Manaus/AM: Correlação entre consumo de álcool e trauma facial em pacientes do Hospital de Urgência Dr. João Lúcio Pereira Machado de Manaus/AM. Concilium, 24(17), 561–569. Recuperado de


