Polyglandular Syndrome type III in a young patient: case report

Síndrome Poliglandular tipo III em paciente jovem: relato de caso


  • Talina Tassi Saraiva de Arruda Hospital Santo Amaro –Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Recife
  • Gabrielle Christine Rocha Souza Hospital Santo Amaro –Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Recife
  • Heloísa Antero Fernandes Hospital Santo Amaro – Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Recife
  • Maria Luiza Vasconcelos Montenegro Faculdade de Ciências Médicas – Universidade de Pernambuco
  • Maria Juliana de Arruda Queiroga Hospital Santo Amaro – Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Recife
  • Nicole Lira Melo Ferreira Hospital Santo Amaro
  • Paulo Bernardo da Silveira Barros Filho Hospital Santo Amaro – Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Recife
  • Rodrigo Rufino Pereira Silva Hospital Santo Amaro – Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Recife
  • Thaíse Cristina Arcoverde Cardozo da Silva Hospital Santo Amaro – Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Recife
  • Thayna Almeida Batista Hospital Santo Amaro – Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Recife


Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy, Hypothyroidism, Pernicious Anemia, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Drug-Related Side Effects, Adverse Reactions


Introduction: Autoimmune polyglandular syndromes (APS) are rare diseases defined by the coexistence of at least two autoimmune endocrine diseases. Objective: To describe a case of type III polyglandular syndrome in a young patient. Case report: Female, 37 years old, with hypothyroidism, presented with a weight loss of 9 kg, daily vomiting, asthenia, fatigue, and postprandial fullness for 3 months. He also reported arthritis in his wrists, shoulders, and hips. In laboratory tests, macrocytic and hyperchromic anemia associated with leukopenia, as well as hypovitaminosis B12, was observed. Pernicious anemia was investigated as the cause of this deficiency. Upper digestive endoscopy showed moderate gastritis – histopathological with gastric atrophy, positive anti-intrinsic factor antibody. Due to inflammatory arthralgia, ANA was requested, with an associated positive anti-dsDNA result of 1:80. In the EULAR/2019 diagnostic criteria for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), she presented 14 points, thus she was diagnosed with SLE, and hydroxychloroquine (HXC) was started. Conclusion: SPA is rare, mainly in association with non-glandular autoimmunity, following an early diagnosis.


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Como Citar

Arruda, T. T. S. de, Souza, G. C. R., Fernandes, H. A. ., Montenegro, M. L. V. ., Queiroga, M. J. de A., Ferreira, N. L. M., Filho, P. B. da S. B., Silva, R. R. P. ., da Silva, T. C. A. C. ., & Batista, T. A. . (2024). Polyglandular Syndrome type III in a young patient: case report: Síndrome Poliglandular tipo III em paciente jovem: relato de caso . Concilium, 24(17), 227–245. Recuperado de http://clium.org/index.php/edicoes/article/view/4011


