Effect of salinity on germination and physiological quality of passion fruit seeds


  • Rubinaldo de Jesus Severo
  • Cleilton Vasconcelos Moreira
  • Michelle dos Santos Oliveira Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia
  • Gleicia dos Santos Almeida


Salinity makes it difficult for seeds and roots to absorb water, which can affect the germination and initial growth of seedlings. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of calcium chloride (CaCl2) and potassium chloride (KCl) according to the combination of each treatment (T1: 0 g CaCl2 + 0 g KCl, T2: 0 g CaCl2 + 2.44g KCl, T3: 7.98g CaCl2 + 0g KCl, T4: 7.98g CaCl2 + 2.44g KCl, T5: 19.95g Cacl2 + 0g KCl, T6: 19.95g CaCl2 + 2.44g KCl), in the germination of yellow passion fruit seeds. The parameters of Germination Speed Index (IVG), First Germination Count (PCG) and Germination Percentage (G) were analyzed, and the variables: shoot length (CPA), leaf number (NF), leaf length root (CR). The results indicated that increased salinity significantly reduced seed germination, with deleterious effects at higher salt concentrations.


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Como Citar

de Jesus Severo, R. ., Vasconcelos Moreira, C. ., dos Santos Oliveira, M. ., & dos Santos Almeida, G. . (2024). Effect of salinity on germination and physiological quality of passion fruit seeds. Concilium, 24(17), 184–196. Recuperado de http://clium.org/index.php/edicoes/article/view/4000


