Impact of vision on static balance with proprioceptive perturbation and on sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit actions in individuals with visual impairment and sighted individuals

Impacto da visão no equilíbrio estático com perturbação proprioceptiva e nas ações de levantar e sentar em indivíduos com deficiência visual e videntes



Visual Impairment, Functional Mobility, Postural Stability, Physical Performance Tests, Somatosensory


This study aimed to investigate the impact of visual impairment on functional mobility variables and static balance under proprioceptive disturbance in visually impaired (VI) and sighted individuals (SVI). Three groups participated in the study: visually impaired adults, visually impaired children, and sighted children. The anthropometric characteristics of the participants were recorded. Functional mobility variables were assessed using the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, while Center of Pressure (COP) variables were measured under sensory interference conditions (eyes open/closed and firm ground/foam). Data normality was verified by the Shapiro-Wilk test. Statistical analyses included one-way analysis of variance between groups and mixed analysis of variance between subjects. The results indicated that both visually impaired children and adults presented greater difficulties in functional mobility tasks compared to sighted children. Specifically, blind children had longer times to complete the TUG, slower vertical velocity to stand, and smaller trunk flexion amplitude compared to sighted children and blind adults. Mixed variance analysis revealed that sensory interferences (eyes open/closed and firm ground/foam) significantly affected COP variables between groups. The study confirms the importance of adaptive strategies and rehabilitative interventions to improve mobility and postural stability in children with visual impairment. Evidence supports the need for specific approaches to compensate for the lack of vision, promoting a better quality of life for these individuals.


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Como Citar

Toledo, R. C. de ., Cardoso, D. C. da S. ., Parreira, R. B. ., & Oliveira, C. S. . (2024). Impact of vision on static balance with proprioceptive perturbation and on sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit actions in individuals with visual impairment and sighted individuals: Impacto da visão no equilíbrio estático com perturbação proprioceptiva e nas ações de levantar e sentar em indivíduos com deficiência visual e videntes. Concilium, 24(18), 461–478. Recuperado de


