The alpha generation in the face of learning technologies

A geração alpha face às tecnologias de/na aprendizagem



Different generations have different characteristics. The Baby Boomers Generation presents linear reasoning, following all stages of learning. Generation X adapts easily to technology. Generation Z, born in the late 90s and early 2000s, is the first to be born in a mostly digital and connected era. The Alpha Generation, made up of children born since 2010, was also born in the digital era, but their relationship with technology is much greater, as its use is intuitive. This bibliographical study aims to highlight the profile of the Alpha generation, its characteristics and its conduct towards the educational process, as well as the teaching and learning process of this new generation, which is characterized by immersion in digital technologies, investigating the emotional and social presence in it. The study shows that school spaces, public and private, must invest in technological resources and specialized professionals to promote quality education through digital media, as it will be imperative that new generations, from Alpha onwards, will be increasingly immersed in the context of digital technology.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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