Investigation of minor psychiatric symptoms in adult patients hospitalized in a general hospital

Investigação de sintomas psiquiátricos menores em pacientes adultos internados no hospital geral



Inpatients, Depression, Anxiety, Health Communication, Patient Assistance Team


The present study proposed to investigate the presence of minor psychiatric symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients during hospitalization for various clinical and surgical treatments at the General Hospital in Marília, SP, Brazil. It is characterized as a descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study. Eligible patients were those admitted to the institution through the emergency room in urgent and emergency situations, from the age of 18, and who were able to understand the objectives of the study and to answer the used evaluation instruments, such as the Identification Questionnaire for Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Pearson's chi-square test, Fisher's test or its extension were used in inferential analyzes to compare categorical variables. Student's t test was used for independent samples. In all inferential analyzes, a significance level of α equal to 5% was used. There was a statistical significance in the association between patient satisfaction with the team, and the absence of symptoms of depression and anxiety. A statistically significant correlation was also identified between satisfaction with communication of care and the absence of symptoms of depression.


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Como Citar

de Oliveira, G. T. R. ., Honorato, N. P. ., Pio, D. A. M. ., & Coqueiro, D. P. (2024). Investigation of minor psychiatric symptoms in adult patients hospitalized in a general hospital: Investigação de sintomas psiquiátricos menores em pacientes adultos internados no hospital geral. Concilium, 24(17), 425–441. Recuperado de


