Cultural archetype of AI: adequacy of organizational culture for the insertion of artificial intelligence

Arquétipo cultural da IA: adequação da cultura organizacional para inserção de inteligência artificial


  • Eric Pelakoski Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Data-driven; Organizational Culture; Design Thinking;


This article discusses the need for organizations to adapt their culture to leverage the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in their operations and strategies. Organizational culture, characterized by a set of values, beliefs, and norms, directly influences efficiency and adaptation to changes. Authors such as Edgar Schein, Chatman, and Choi highlight the importance of measuring and adapting organizational culture to support a data-driven mindset. Tools like the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), methods such as Jobs to Be Done (JTBD) and Design Thinking, are useful for diagnosing and improving organizational culture and business knowledge, as well as facilitating an innovation environment. Adopting a data-driven mindset improves efficiency, opportunity identification, and evidence-based decision-making, in addition to serving as a foundation for AI implementation, requiring a structured approach that includes cultural diagnosis, gap identification, AI solution application, and continuous evaluation. A strong and adaptable organizational culture is crucial for long-term success, making companies more resilient, innovative, and competitive.


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Como Citar

Pelakoski, E. (2024). Cultural archetype of AI: adequacy of organizational culture for the insertion of artificial intelligence: Arquétipo cultural da IA: adequação da cultura organizacional para inserção de inteligência artificial. Concilium, 24(16), 345–359. Recuperado de


