Essential oil of Xylopia frutescens Aubl. controlling phytopathogens that cause diseases in maize and cowpea bean plants

Óleo essencial de Xylopia frutescens Aubl. no controle dos fitopatógenos causadores de doenças em plantas de milho e feijão-caupi


  • Dalmarcia de Souza Carlos Mourão Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Sabrina Helena da Cruz Araújo
  • Bruna Leticia Dias
  • Taila Renata Neitzke
  • Dheime Ribeiro Miranda
  • Ildon Rodrigues do Nascimento
  • Marcos Vinicius Giongo Alves
  • Cristiano Bueno de Moraes
  • Marcos Paz Saraiva Câmara
  • Gil Rodrigues dos Santos


Xylopia frutescens, botanical fungicides, phytopathogens


The species Xylopia frutescens is a plant that inhabits the Cerrado Biome. The objective of the work was to evaluate the fungitoxic effect of the essential oil of this species in controlling diseases in maize and cowpea bean plants. The essential oil was obtained using the hydrodistillation and its chemical composition was determined through gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS).. The essential oil of X. frutescens in vitro, at concentrations of 7.5 and 10%, inhibited 76% of the mycelial growth of Curvularia lunata, demonstrating fungistatic activity. On the other hand, for Rhizoctonia solani, there was total inhibition from a concentration of 5%, confirming its toxicity to the phytopathogen. Furthermore, from a concentration of 2.5% there was phytotoxicity. At a concentration of 1% there was greater inhibition of the germination of C. lunata conidia. For R. solani, there was 100% inhibition of mycelial growth, demonstrating its fungitoxic action. In the composition of the essential oil, 20 chemical constituents were identified, with β-pinone and spathulenol being the main compounds. The preventive application of X. frutescens essential oil proved to be efficient in controlling the diseases Curvularia leaf spot in maize and web blight of cowpea bean.


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Como Citar

Carlos Mourão, D. de S., Araújo , S. H. da C. ., Dias, B. L. ., Neitzke , T. R. ., Miranda, D. R. ., Nascimento , I. . R. do, Alves, M. V. G. ., Moraes, C. B. de ., Câmara, M. P. S. ., & Santos, G. R. dos . (2024). Essential oil of Xylopia frutescens Aubl. controlling phytopathogens that cause diseases in maize and cowpea bean plants: Óleo essencial de Xylopia frutescens Aubl. no controle dos fitopatógenos causadores de doenças em plantas de milho e feijão-caupi. Concilium, 24(16), 421–443. Recuperado de


