Influence of eating habits on gastrointestinal cancer development: a systematic review

Influência dos hábitos alimentares no desenvolvimento do câncer gastrointestinal: uma revisão sistemática



Gastrointestinal cancer, ; Dietetics, Nutrition;


Evaluate the influence of eating habits on the development of gastrointestinal cancer. Methods: Systematic review in the databases PubMed, VHL, SCIELO, and LILACS, as descriptor terms, indexed in the DeCS and MESH, gastrointestinal neoplasms, gastrointestinal cancer, tumors of the digestive tract, gastrointestinal tumors, stomach cancer, bowel cancer, esophageal cancer, rectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, eating habits, eating behavior, foods, nutrition, cancer, and their respective forms. The systematic review protocol was registered in the PROSPERO with ID CRD42022345625. Results: The initial search in the databases yielded 7,126 publications, of which 22 articles underwent analysis. The results indicate that certain dietary patterns, such as high intake of red and processed meat and conditions such as obesity, are associated with a greater risk of developing gastrointestinal cancer, while diets rich in fiber, whole grains, vitamins, and antioxidants, especially the Mediterranean diet, demonstrate a protective effect. Conclusion: The eating habits and lifestyle influence cancer development, particularly those related to the gastrointestinal tract.


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Como Citar

Almeida, L., Silva, I., Filho, O., Alves, G., Ramalho, R., & Carvalho, A. (2024). Influence of eating habits on gastrointestinal cancer development: a systematic review: Influência dos hábitos alimentares no desenvolvimento do câncer gastrointestinal: uma revisão sistemática. Concilium, 24(16), 110–128. Recuperado de


