Construction of a care protocol following King's Goal achievement theory: experience report

Construção de um protocolo assistencial seguindo a teoria de alcance de Metas de King: relato de experiência



Objective: to report the construction of a Care Protocol for the safe warming of hypothermic patients following Imogene King's Goal Achievement Theory. Method: this is an experience report from an intensive care nurse during the master's and doctorate course, where the protocol was developed, based on Imogene King's Theory. The experience was presented in five thematic axes. Results: In axis 1, there was a lack of monitoring of active heating, a lack of verbal and non-verbal communication, leading to the nursing diagnosis (axis 2) Hyperthermia and Hypothermia. In axis 3, a literature review (scope) was carried out to assess care for hypothermic patients. In axis 4, the content of the protocol was validated with the help of experts in the area and in axis 5, the aim is to evaluate the clinical feasibility of the protocol in everyday hospital settings. Conclusion: the study portrayed the construction of a protocol following Imogene King's Goal Achievement Theory, demonstrating the importance of developing tools to assist nursing in the treatment of hypothermic patients in hospitals. 


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Como Citar

Rocha, C. C. da M. ., & Camacho, A. C. L. F. . (2024). Construction of a care protocol following King’s Goal achievement theory: experience report: Construção de um protocolo assistencial seguindo a teoria de alcance de Metas de King: relato de experiência . Concilium, 24(16), 63–75. Recuperado de


