Use of biologic agents in rheumatoid arthritis: a bibliographic review

Uso de imunobiológicos na artrite reumatoide: uma revisão bibliográfica


  • Luiza Horta Barbosa Juda Unicesumar



Drug Therapy, Methotrexate, Monoclonal Antibodies


Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune and chronic disease, which presents a heterogeneity of clinical manifestations and high potential for disability, consequently leading to a difficult diagnosis and treatment by health professionals. Common symptoms are pain, swelling, tenderness, warmth and redness in the affected joints, with long-term joint destruction, demonstrating the importance of early diagnosis and rapid initiation of treatment to prevent and control the pathogenic activity of the disease. Pharmacological treatment aims to mitigate and prevent joint damage, in addition to improving the patient's quality of life. Drug therapy varies according to the clinical stage and is based on the use of analgesics, corticosteroids, disease-modifying drugs, immunosuppressants and biologic agents. This article aims to address the treatment of RA, focusing on the use of biologic and targeted synthetic response modifiers and the best therapeutic choice, based on an integrative review with a survey of scientific data from 2017 to 2022, through guiding questions, based on of health data. The expected results include a synthetic and complete study of the treatment of RA and a thorough data analysis that in fact allows a better choice in the treatment of the disease.


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Como Citar

Juda, L. H. B. (2024). Use of biologic agents in rheumatoid arthritis: a bibliographic review: Uso de imunobiológicos na artrite reumatoide: uma revisão bibliográfica. Concilium, 24(11), 387–412.


