Correlation of the use of electronic cigarettes with sex and family income in young people

Correlação do uso de cigarros eletrônicos com o sexo e a renda familiar nos jovens




eletronic cigarette, young people, smoke, gender, income


Objective: To list young people’s dependence on the use of electronic cigarettes correlate to gender and family income. Methods: The study followed a primary, observational, cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical design. With the participation of 126 young electronic cigarette users, aged between 18 and 30, 44 men and 82 women from different family incomes. The research was developed through the development of an electronic questionnaire via Google Forms, based on the Fagerström test, which assesses the degree of nicotine dependence through an interview with pre-determined scores. Spearman's correlation test was used for statistical analysis. Result: There was no correlation between the degree of dependence and gender (male p=0.2188; female p=0.1881). Both sexes are distributed across all degrees of dependence. Regarding family income, there was also no significant correlation in the three income ranges (p=0.218, for incomes of up to 1,500 reais; p=0.391 for incomes of up to 5,000 reais, and p=0.284 for incomes above 5,000 reais). Conclusion: The use of electronic cigarettes among young people does not correlate with gender and family income.


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Como Citar

Corrêa de Moraes Nardo, G., Fernandes, J. C., Pelielo, N., Alves, L., Nogueira, L. G., Gradim, M. E., Totti, J., Avezum, V., Zonetti, V., & Cola, P. (2024). Correlation of the use of electronic cigarettes with sex and family income in young people: Correlação do uso de cigarros eletrônicos com o sexo e a renda familiar nos jovens . Concilium, 24(11), 413–422.


