Between art and artificial intelligence: exploring the education of the future through semiotics and human creativity

Entre arte e inteligência artificial: explorando a educação do futuro por meio da semiótica e da criatividade humana




Semiotics, Futuristic Education, Artificial Intelligence, Human Creativity


In this study, images of pedagogical-educational activities were analyzed, including two compositions generated by artificial intelligence using the DALL-E tool on the ChatGPT platform by OpenAI. Based on Peircean Semiotics theory, two images were proposed as projections of the future of education, considering a period of over 100 years. The prompt used was: “Create a scene that gives us a glimpse of the future of education beyond 100 years.” The results were interpreted and compared with a work by Ivan Cruz, a Brazilian plastic artist. The qualitative-descriptive research demonstrated that although intelligent digital systems can organize existing data and information, their projective capacity is still limited. This highlights the necessary interaction between human skills and technological resources, as technology does not operate autonomously and depends on human intervention.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Ropelato, D., Slomp, E. M. ., da Silva, M. D. ., de Sousa, R. P. L. ., Ulbricht, V. R. ., & Baldessar, M. J. . (2024). Between art and artificial intelligence: exploring the education of the future through semiotics and human creativity: Entre arte e inteligência artificial: explorando a educação do futuro por meio da semiótica e da criatividade humana. Concilium, 24(11), 423–445.


