Nurse care to promote the growth and development of premature babies: systematic review

Cuidados do enfermeiro para a promoção do crescimento e desenvolvimento dos prematuros: revisão sistemática


  • Andressa Oliveira UNIOESTE
  • Franciele Foschiera Camboin UNIOESTE
  • Eliane Pinto de Goes
  • Moisés Alves de Lima



Infant, Premature;, Nursing care;, Growth and development


Objetcive: Was to systematcally search the literature for studies that describe the nurses care in promoting the growth and development of premature babies. Method: Systematic review where the indexed databases were consulted: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Lilacs, Embase, Cochrane, and in the grey literature: Google Schoolar. There was no period or language limitation. Results: The main nursing care identified by the included studies were childcare assessments according to corrected age, home visits to observe the growth of the newborn and health education actions to parents on the main care related to premature babies. Conclusion: The interventions and care observed are valid for preventing morbidity, mortality and new hospitalizations, improving the quality of life of babies and resulting in adequate growth and development, and should be introduced in primary health care in conjunction with other health professionals and care provided by parents at home.


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Como Citar

Oliveira, A., Camboin, F. F. ., Goes, E. P. de ., & Lima, M. A. de . (2024). Nurse care to promote the growth and development of premature babies: systematic review: Cuidados do enfermeiro para a promoção do crescimento e desenvolvimento dos prematuros: revisão sistemática. Concilium, 24(11), 446–460.


