Spirituality as a coping strategy among caregivers of pediatric oncology patients in a reference hospital in Recife

A espiritualidade como estratégia de enfrentamento dos acompanhantes de pacientes da oncologia pediátrica em hospital de referência no Recife





Introduction: Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death among children and adolescents. In recent years, progress in treatment has been significant, but childhood cancer generates profound impacts on the lives of patients and companions, being a great inducer of negative feelings, since it is seen as a disease linked to the finitude of the human being. Objective: To understand how the companions of patients hospitalized in Pediatric Oncology use spirituality as a coping strategy. Method: Qualitative cross-sectional study. Approved by the CEP of the Institute of Integral Medicine Prof. Fernando Figueira – IMIP, with CAAE 77924124.4.0000.5201. The research was conducted by 7 participants. Results and discussion: The study pointed to the relevance of spirituality as a tool for comfort in the midst of suffering, as well as the impacts and psychological repercussions of a cancer diagnosis. Conclusion: In the face of all the uncertainty and insecurity in the face of the new reality of cancer, this study presented itself in a positive way in the core of meaning presented by parents/caregivers when related to faith and spirituality.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Almeida, L.-., Valença, J., Travassos, L., Bechara, C., Pedrosa, A. P., & Nóbrega, E. (2024). Spirituality as a coping strategy among caregivers of pediatric oncology patients in a reference hospital in Recife: A espiritualidade como estratégia de enfrentamento dos acompanhantes de pacientes da oncologia pediátrica em hospital de referência no Recife. Concilium, 24(11), 602–614. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-3564-24L25


