Self-perception and impact of oral health on the quality of life of quilombolas from Bahia: an exploratory cross-sectional study

Autopercepção e impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida de quilombolas da Bahia: um estudo transversal exploratório


  • Carolyne Brito Lopes Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
  • Suzely Adas Saliba Moimaz Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
  • Cléa Adas Saliba Garbin Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
  • Tânia Adas Saliba Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)



Quilombola Communities, Oral Health, Quality of Life, Dental Health Surveys


Objective: To investigate the self-perception of oral health, the impact of oral conditions on quality of life (QoL), and associated factors among quilombolas in Bahia. Methodology: Cross-sectional epidemiological survey conducted with 80 quilombolas who answered socio-economic, behavioral, oral health, and OHIP-14 questionnaires. Statistical analyses were performed using Epi InfoTM 7 and SPSS for Windows software. Results: Most quilombolas reported their oral health as good (44%) and fair (40%), with a mean OHIP-14 score of 14.7 ± 14.3. Factors with the greatest impact on QoL were concern about oral problems, toothaches, and smile esthetics. Associations (p > 0.05) were found between OHIP-14 scores and family income, smoking, oral health perception, toothache, brushing frequency, dental floss use, and fluoride toothpaste use. Conclusions: Quilombolas considered their oral health positively, despite the high prevalence of tooth pain. The impact on quality of life was associated with various socio-economic and behavioral factors, with psychological discomfort and physical pain being the most affected domains.


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Como Citar

Lopes, C. B., Moimaz, S. A. S., Garbin, C. A. S., & Saliba, T. A. (2024). Self-perception and impact of oral health on the quality of life of quilombolas from Bahia: an exploratory cross-sectional study: Autopercepção e impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida de quilombolas da Bahia: um estudo transversal exploratório. Concilium, 24(11), 645–658.


