Excision of basocellular carcinoma in the face with the rieger flap and A-T flap methods: a narrative review

Excisão de carcinoma basocelular em face com emprego dos métodos de retalho de rieger e retalho A-T: uma revisão narrativa


  • Hégon Henrique Scandoalara Asen
  • Gabriel Czlusniak Olenik
  • Ariana Centa
  • Gustavo Colombo Dal-Pont UNIARP




Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), a subtype of non-melanoma skin cancer, is aggressive and has metastatic potential, resulting from genetic alterations. The diagnosis of BCC is established by skin biopsy, and surgical approach is the most effective therapy for treatment. This study aimed to define BCC, describe its pathophysiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, and surgical treatment through the use of Rieger and A-T flaps in the excision of a facial BCC, via a narrative literature review. The search was conducted in the PubMed, BVS, and SCIELO databases, selecting 34 studies. Early diagnosis is essential for a favorable prognosis, with surgery being the main treatment, including the use of skin flaps. Among these, Rieger and A-T flaps stand out for their effectiveness in reconstructing complex defects in the facial region, offering satisfactory aesthetic and functional results. The Rieger flap addresses the nasofacial sulcus to the glabellar region, with subsequent wide detachment of the skin on the nasal dorsum, while the A-T flap covers the nasolabial sulcus and the lower orbital rim, regions with a high prevalence of BCC.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Asen, H. H. S. ., Olenik, G. C. ., Centa, A., & Dal-Pont, G. C. (2024). Excision of basocellular carcinoma in the face with the rieger flap and A-T flap methods: a narrative review: Excisão de carcinoma basocelular em face com emprego dos métodos de retalho de rieger e retalho A-T: uma revisão narrativa. Concilium, 24(11), 476–489. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-3548-24L18


