Profile of transfusions carried out in the medical clinic and intensive care units of a hospital in the central hinterland of ceará

Perfil das transfusões realizadas nas unidades de clínica médica e terapia intensiva de um hospital do sertão central do ceará




Transfusion, Blood bank, Epidemiology


Objective: This study aimed to describe the profile of transfusions carried out at the Hospital Regional do Sertão Central (HRSC) in 2022 in the medical clinic sector and intensive care unit (ICU). Background: Transfusion of blood components is a procedure with significant risks, which is why the World Health Organization (WHO) encourages the development of programs for the proper management of blood components through Patient Blood Management strategies, optimizing the use of this products. In this context, the transfusion agency at HRSC collects information and generates indicators to assess the level of adherence to its safety protocol. Methods/Materials: Data of transfusions in adults were collected by recording quality indicators of the HRSC transfusion agency and then a retrospective, descriptive, and quantitative analysis were conducted. Results: This study analyzed 1072 transfusions, with 53.3% occurring in men and 46.7% in women, with a mean age of 42 years. The ICU requested 79.1% of the transfusions. Symptomatic anemia and bleeding were the cause. Concentrated red blood cells (73%) were most required, 49.6% of which were O+. In terms of criticality, 54% of the requests were urgent. Sixteen adverse reactions notifications were observed. Conclusion: Analysis of the transfusions made it possible to identify and describe the characteristics of the transfusion process in a tertiary referral hospital in a city in the interior of Ceará. The data survey showed that the team maintained good levels of adherence to the transfusion indication protocol but with possible underreporting of transfusion reactions.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Veloso, I. J. M., Rodrigues, P. H. S. ., Queiroz, T. P. M. de ., & Linard, C. F. B. M. . (2024). Profile of transfusions carried out in the medical clinic and intensive care units of a hospital in the central hinterland of ceará: Perfil das transfusões realizadas nas unidades de clínica médica e terapia intensiva de um hospital do sertão central do ceará. Concilium, 24(11), 295–305.


