Acupuncture for chronic low back pain using the DU-MAI Wonder Vessel in workers at a public hospital

Acupuntura para dor lombar crônica usando o Vaso Maravilhoso DU-MAI em trabalhadores de um hospital público




Acupuncture Therapy, Low Back Pain, Meridians, Quality-Adjusted Life Expectancy.


The objective of this research was to analyze the use of systemic acupuncture through the application of DU MAI meridian points in the treatment of lower back pain among workers at a public hospital. The study was conducted with 16 participants, employees of a university hospital, who underwent six acupuncture sessions. Pain intensity was assessed using the Numeric Pain Rating Scale, and quality of life was measured with the Short Form SF 36 v2® questionnaire. Statistical analysis was performed using data collected during the first and sixth sessions. The results indicated a significant difference in pain intensity between the first and last sessions, with a p-value of 0.020, which was statistically significant for pain intensity. The analysis revealed an improvement in the participants’ quality of life, particularly in the general health (GH) and social functioning (SF) domains, while the vitality (VT) aspect remained stable. These findings suggest that systemic acupuncture with the selection of DU MAI meridian points is effective in treating lower back pain and may contribute to improving the quality of life of the workers in question.


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Como Citar

Lucente, M. J., Freitas, I. ., Bassi, M. V., & Martins, E. A. P. . (2024). Acupuncture for chronic low back pain using the DU-MAI Wonder Vessel in workers at a public hospital: Acupuntura para dor lombar crônica usando o Vaso Maravilhoso DU-MAI em trabalhadores de um hospital público. Concilium, 24(11), 347–362.


