Strengthening global development: the role of reverse logistics in the circular economy

Fortalecendo o desenvolvimento global: o papel da logística reversa na economia circular


  • Fabrini Quadros Borges
  • Igor de Jesus Lobato Pompeu Gammarano
  • Kianya Grahen Imbiriba
  • Fernando Antônio Colares Palácios
  • Messias Furtado da Silva
  • Gustavo Francesco de Morais Dias
  • Dinaldo do Nascimento Araujo



Reverse Logistics, Circular Economy, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Systematic Review


This study investigates the contribution of reverse logistics to the circular economy and its impact on global sustainable development. Using a systematic literature mapping approach, 492 articles from the Scopus database focused on reverse logistics and the circular economy were analyzed. This review identifies the main countries and leading authors in the field, as well as highlighting research trends and the most frequent keywords, such as "reverse logistics" and "circular economy". The results confirm the persistent relevance of this topic and highlight how reverse logistics is indispensable for the transition to more sustainable business practices. This article broadens the theoretical understanding of reverse logistics within the circular economy, proposing an integrated model that can serve as a basis for future research and business practices. The study concludes that effective implementation of reverse logistics is crucial to achieving sustainable development goals, providing insights for policymakers, academics and practitioners.


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Como Citar

Borges, F. Q. ., Gammarano, I. de J. L. P. ., Imbiriba, K. G. ., Palácios, F. A. C. ., Silva, M. F. da ., Dias, G. F. de M. ., & Araujo, D. do N. . (2024). Strengthening global development: the role of reverse logistics in the circular economy: Fortalecendo o desenvolvimento global: o papel da logística reversa na economia circular. Concilium, 24(11), 262–280.


