Therapeutic management of cavitated caries lesion in a patient with sensory processing disorder

Manejo terapêutico de lesão cavitada por cárie em paciente com transtorno de processamento sensorial




Dental caries, Sensation disorders, Dental materials, Papain


Caries disease is still an important public health problem. Although preventing the disease is simple, it is still a challenge due to the interaction of cariogenic factors. One of the forms of treatment is the selective removal of carious tissue, which consists of the total removal of carious tissue from the surrounding walls, preserving the affected tissue in the pulp wall, as it is a tissue capable of remineralization. In the conservative philosophy, there are alternative therapies to the use of manual cutting instruments and the use of rotary instruments - such as the use of chemical agents. These materials help the professional in the selective removal of decayed dentin tissue. The more conservative philosophy is an excellent alternative for patients with Sensory Processing Disorder, as it generates less sound, olfactory, thermal and tactile stimuli – also improving the pain experience. This makes it possible to provide the patient with individualized care, taking into account and respecting their limitations and needs.


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Como Citar

Lins-Candeiro, C. L. ., Jesuino, R., Ribeiro, J. M. ., Sakamoto, S. P. ., Rodrigues, R., Lacerda, R. ., & Paranhos, L. R. (2024). Therapeutic management of cavitated caries lesion in a patient with sensory processing disorder : Manejo terapêutico de lesão cavitada por cárie em paciente com transtorno de processamento sensorial. Concilium, 24(11), 77–87.


