Indivudual and implant factors associeated with peri-implantitis: a multi-level analysis

Fatores individuais e do implante associados à peri-implantite: uma análise multinível




Peri-implantitis, Prevalence, Risk factors


The study aimed to carry out a multilevel analysis of the factors associated with peri-implantitis in patients who were rehabilitated with osseointegrated implants at the Dental Clinic of Universidade Paulista (UNIP). Being analyzed by means of influence on the patients' quality of life, 171 patients with 668 implants, with 5 years in function, were selected through clinical and radiographic examinations. Systemic and local factors and characteristics were evaluated to determine the health of the peri-implant tissues. Quality of life was assessed using the Oral Health Impact Profile Index (OHIP-14). Multilevel logistic analysis was performed to estimate the OR of peri-implantitis at implant and patient level. The model was analyzed using the likelihood ratio test and the Wald test. Through the results, it was verified that the probing depth both at the implant and patient level and the distance from the gingival margin to the implant platform are factors risk for peri-implantitis. However, due to the low prevalence of the disease, there was no negative impact on the patients' quality of life.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Alciati, C. A. de S. ., Pecorari, V. G. A. ., Corrêa, M. G. C., Silva, D. F. da ., & Cirano, F. R. . (2024). Indivudual and implant factors associeated with peri-implantitis: a multi-level analysis: Fatores individuais e do implante associados à peri-implantite: uma análise multinível. Concilium, 24(11), 30–45.


