Geographical indication: a review

Indicação geográfica: uma revisão




Geographical Indication (GI) is an industrial property instrument that seeks to distinguish the geographic origin of a certain product or service. The challenge is associated with identifying how the Geographical Indication seal could be a useful tool to leverage local and regional development. The objective of this study is to review the international literature on the topic of Geographical Indication, especially for wine production. The SCOPUS database was used as a search engine. The expression “geographical indication” was used as a search key in the title, keywords or summary fields, resulting in 2224 publications. Publications were analyzed without filter. It was noticed that “Protection” has a negative inclination, that is, it is being left aside as a research interest. The words associated with Wine, Food and Sustainability showed a positive slope in the linear regression, which suggests that they are causing increasing interest among researchers.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Matos, C. C. D. M., Santos , R. R. S. S. ., Canuto, A. C. B. ., Ramos , T. de M. ., & Bortoli, R. D. . (2024). Geographical indication: a review: Indicação geográfica: uma revisão. Concilium, 24(11), 1–14.


