Effectiveness of orthopedic tenodesis surgery on flexion and supination strength: integrative review

Eficácia da cirurgia de tenodese ortopédica na força de flexão e supinação: revisão integrativa


  • Talita Galvão Salioni
  • Wevellyn Bressan do Nascimento
  • Pedro Guardia Favinha
  • Luiz Felipe Croscatto
  • Téo Vinícius Luna Rodrigues de Souza
  • Heloísa Helou Doca
  • Eduardo Chagas




Distal biceps tendon, tendon rupture, biceps, tenodesis


Objective: Conduct an integrative review of the literature on the effectiveness of orthopedic tenodesis surgery on flexion and supination strength. Methods: The question was based on the acromion peak: How effective is orthopedic tenodesis surgery? The literature review was carried out considering only clinical trials. Result: Taking into account that the strength between the operated and non-operated elbow does not have a significant difference (p>0.005), for example, p=0.345 for flexion and p=0.114 for supination, demonstrating good post-operative results. In another study, we can also evaluate this improvement, where the non-operated side has p=0.210 and the postoperative side has p=0.169. After treatment, 98% of patients recover supination strength and 94% flexion strength, with 73% of these patients within the expected range for a normal population. Conclusion: From reading and analyzing the articles, it was observed that tenodesis surgery was a safe, effective and aesthetically satisfactory procedure, as there is no aesthetic or functional difference between the operated side and the postoperative side.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Salioni , T. G. ., Nascimento, W. B. do, Favinha , P. G. ., Croscatto , L. F. ., Souza , T. V. L. R. de ., Doca , H. H. ., & Chagas , E. . (2024). Effectiveness of orthopedic tenodesis surgery on flexion and supination strength: integrative review: Eficácia da cirurgia de tenodese ortopédica na força de flexão e supinação: revisão integrativa. Concilium, 24(11), 254–261. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-3484-24J09


