The complex networks of an entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem: proposal for a representation model
As redes complexas de um ecossistema de empreendedorismo e inovação: proposta de um modelo de representação
entrepreneurial ecosystem, entrepreneurship, complex networks.Resumo
This article presents a proposal for a representation model of entrepreneurial innovation ecosystems, based on the Theory of Complex Networks, in order to understand the complexity of the relationships between its actors. The methodology used was a qualitative approach, of a bibliographic and documentary nature, which defined categorized axes based on the dimensions of politics, economy, culture, support institutions, human capital and access to the market, present in an entrepreneur. The model that will contribute to supporting the connections and dissemination of knowledge in an entrepreneurial innovation ecosystem, providing insights for its actors to analyze public policies based on their impact in terms of multidimensional development was applied in the city of Salvador/BA, as proof concept. Its application allowed the collection of mapping results from the main actors in the ecosystem of the capital of Bahia, in addition to identifying the dissemination of knowledge as an important dimension for the development of new actions and partnerships between them to foster innovation.
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