Budget planning for an undergraduate course at a higher education institution
Planejamento orçamentário de um curso de graduação de uma instituição de ensino superior
Budget, Coordinator, PlanningResumo
Planning is crucial in the organizational context, especially budget planning, which aims to direct efforts to achieve objectives effectively. This study investigates the budget planning of undergraduate course coordinators in IES, considering the complexities involved. The research uses a qualitative approach, interviewing nine coordinators to understand their perspectives, difficulties, and financial strategies. The results show that, despite economic and institutional limitations, coordinators recognize the importance of budget planning for the growth of courses. They face challenges in budget execution, acquiring supplies, and adapting to the market. It is concluded that budget planning is fundamental to guide the growth of courses, and coordinators demonstrate skills and commitment to dealing with financial demands, seeking partnerships and innovative strategies. The research highlights the need for further studies for continuous improvements in IES.
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