Artificial intelligence and sustainability in higher education: a bibliometric analysis and its relations with the UN SDGs

Inteligência artificial e sustentabilidade no ensino superior: uma análise bibliométrica e suas relações com os ODS da ONU



Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, Higher Education, Sustainable Development, VOSviewer


This research aimed to analyze the importance of artificial intelligence and sustainability in higher education according to the literature in the field and to present the relationships of this context with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The adopted research strategies included bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer software and literature review, considering the Web of Science scientific database. The bibliometric analysis resulted in the clustering of four groups. The blue cluster highlighted the emergence of interest in studies on AI and sustainability in higher education following the Covid-19 pandemic. The green cluster emphasized the importance of more efficient teaching methods adapted to the demands of higher education, as well as the need to empower teachers to use artificial intelligence in developing students' skills and competencies, emphasizing sustainability. The yellow cluster indicated the presence of artificial intelligence in higher education based on the triad of sustainable education and innovation, aiming to prepare students for future challenges. The red cluster emphasized the impact of artificial intelligence in higher education, focusing on student learning, efficiency, and sustainable performance. Finally, the literature analysis identified the main AI technologies in higher education and their relationship with the United Nations SDGs. The reflections presented here can contribute to expanding discussions on the relationship between artificial intelligence and sustainability in higher education. From a practical standpoint, it can serve as a foundation for university managers aiming to promote the integration of AI into their teaching processes, considering the context of sustainability.


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Como Citar

Fernandes, R. M. ., Nagata, V. de M. N., Melo, A. C. S., & Martins, V. W. B. (2024). Artificial intelligence and sustainability in higher education: a bibliometric analysis and its relations with the UN SDGs: Inteligência artificial e sustentabilidade no ensino superior: uma análise bibliométrica e suas relações com os ODS da ONU. Concilium, 24(3), 229–248. Recuperado de


